Monday, July 18, 2011

All Washed Up

I have been going through an outer body experience for the last few weeks and been looking for projects to do.  Yesterday, I realized that the laundry room needed a face lift.  Nothing major, but a little work.  I got out the sewing machine, fringe, painters drop cloth, paint, nails and kids artwork.  It was only a few hours of work and it is a tad more cozy in there.  With all of the time spent in there, it needed to be welcoming.  Oh, and for a sprinkle of cheese - I painted over the washer/dryer "Loads of Fun".  My husband loved that addition (no, not really).  More little lovelies that I added for a special touch:  6 artworks by my favorite children (matted and framed) over the washer/dryer; valance hung with clothes pins, shoe basket and personalized backpack hooks.

My favorite addition to the room was right after we moved in: installing the cabinets.  This house is far from new, yet the previous owners had never installed cabinets.  How much did they cost me?  Nada.  My fabulous hairdresser, Hey MaryAnn!!!, was redoing her kitchen and going to toss the cabinets.  So, if you are in need of cabinets for your laundry room, basement or garage - check out freecycle or craigslist.  There are folks who are just throwing theirs away.  Lifesaver!!!!

Get crackin' ya'll!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

All Broken Up

Gosh y'all, it has been several weeks since my last post.  I apologize!  This summer has been rather busy and I intend to keep it that way!  One way to pass the time while we were on vacation from vacationing was to get the to-do list - DONE.  It was my mission to complete part of this list last week.

I had a table base and a hardi plank backing and ready to make a mosaic top.  I have had these items for at least 5 years and this was it, it being the time to shit or get off the pot.  You know what I mean, right?  The kids and I went to the Depot for some tile, thin set and grout.  Side note - I saw a cute little 3 year old boy there with butterfly wings (my son).  I broke the tile with a hammer (tiles were inside a pillow case) and started a creation.  I knew that I was not born an artist but I also knew that I could handle making an "S" and filling it in with dark tiles.  What a great project this was!  It did take a lot of time (all of an afternoon) to get the supplies, break tiles and adhere them to the board.  I let it sit overnight and then filled in the gaps with grout on the next day.  Voila!  A very cheap and personalized table for the deck.  What a sense of accomplishment.  I managed to complete a project while the kids were home!!!  The fun did not stop there :)

The rest of the week was productive also:  Cars 2, made 2 white dresses (for beach pics I will be taking), window treatment for back door (the U.G.L.Y. wood blinds had to go!) Play dates, sleepovers, temper tantrums, burned brownies, clean cabinets, cleaned playroom, new tires, car wash and oil change.  Wow, it was more tiring to type it all than to do the work! 

Keeping you posted.  Love, Domestic Diva (this week, at least)