Sunday, May 1, 2011

So Far, So Good...

My hubby called a 'family meeting' tonight while we were eating dinner.  Pen was in hand and numbers were on paper.  He was ready to discuss our girls earning an allowance.  He asked "what do you think is a reasonable amount of money that you should get each week for doing extra chores?"  Eight year olds response:  "two dollars" and the ten year olds response "twenty five dollars".  I shouted "Twenty five dollars?  Daddy said a reasonable amount."  My husband chimed in and said that he and ten year old had already been talking and they came up with that amount.  I was more on board with eight year old than the other two.  Ten year old did not surprise me with this, but where did my frugal husband go?  I mean, this man is so tight that he squeaks when he walks.  Do aliens really take over humans?  I had never believed it, until now.

We started talking about what would be expected of the girls in order to earn a weekly allowance: 
If they do not pick up behind themselves, monies will be deducted.
If they misbehave, monies will be deducted.
Once monies are deducted, they cannot be 're-earned'.
Extra chores will be given to each girl in addition to regular clean up (ie, vacuum out car).
They will not be expected to 'clean', but they are expected to pick up their mess.
50% of allowance will go to savings,
10% to church,
10% to charity,
30% for them to use as they please.

Okay,so once the breakdown was introduced, I was feeling much better about this idea.  The kids should learn a great deal about how to save and plan with the money they are given.  Now for implementation.

I will run out tomorrow and get a jar (or something cute) to put marbles in.  Each girl will start the week with 25 marbles, one for every dollar.  For any violation of the allowance rules, a marble (or more) will be taken away from the jar.  At the end of the week, we will pay them as we agreed and start again the following week with 25 marbles.

Hopefully, this will help with tornado cleanup.  We are in the South but did not have an actual twister come through here.  Our children are our natural disaster when it comes to cleanliness.  It usually looks as if we have had tornadic action in our den/kitchen/baesment (on and on and on......) on a daily basis.

Our family meeting was held 6 hours ago and we have zero violations thus far.  To be fair, the children have been sleeping for 3 of the 6 hours.  My fingers are crossed that this will work.  So far, so good.    


  1. This sounds like a great idea! I'm not disciplined enough to keep track of that stuff... let me know how it goes!

    -Jen S

  2. $25? That seems like a lot of money for even a 4th grader. I mean, what does she need money (tho half to savings, some to charity and church is fantastic). I mean, they can only use one pencil from the pencil machine at a time...As a follow up, I'd love to see what they use the money for and how they did.
