Monday, July 18, 2011

All Washed Up

I have been going through an outer body experience for the last few weeks and been looking for projects to do.  Yesterday, I realized that the laundry room needed a face lift.  Nothing major, but a little work.  I got out the sewing machine, fringe, painters drop cloth, paint, nails and kids artwork.  It was only a few hours of work and it is a tad more cozy in there.  With all of the time spent in there, it needed to be welcoming.  Oh, and for a sprinkle of cheese - I painted over the washer/dryer "Loads of Fun".  My husband loved that addition (no, not really).  More little lovelies that I added for a special touch:  6 artworks by my favorite children (matted and framed) over the washer/dryer; valance hung with clothes pins, shoe basket and personalized backpack hooks.

My favorite addition to the room was right after we moved in: installing the cabinets.  This house is far from new, yet the previous owners had never installed cabinets.  How much did they cost me?  Nada.  My fabulous hairdresser, Hey MaryAnn!!!, was redoing her kitchen and going to toss the cabinets.  So, if you are in need of cabinets for your laundry room, basement or garage - check out freecycle or craigslist.  There are folks who are just throwing theirs away.  Lifesaver!!!!

Get crackin' ya'll!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

All Broken Up

Gosh y'all, it has been several weeks since my last post.  I apologize!  This summer has been rather busy and I intend to keep it that way!  One way to pass the time while we were on vacation from vacationing was to get the to-do list - DONE.  It was my mission to complete part of this list last week.

I had a table base and a hardi plank backing and ready to make a mosaic top.  I have had these items for at least 5 years and this was it, it being the time to shit or get off the pot.  You know what I mean, right?  The kids and I went to the Depot for some tile, thin set and grout.  Side note - I saw a cute little 3 year old boy there with butterfly wings (my son).  I broke the tile with a hammer (tiles were inside a pillow case) and started a creation.  I knew that I was not born an artist but I also knew that I could handle making an "S" and filling it in with dark tiles.  What a great project this was!  It did take a lot of time (all of an afternoon) to get the supplies, break tiles and adhere them to the board.  I let it sit overnight and then filled in the gaps with grout on the next day.  Voila!  A very cheap and personalized table for the deck.  What a sense of accomplishment.  I managed to complete a project while the kids were home!!!  The fun did not stop there :)

The rest of the week was productive also:  Cars 2, made 2 white dresses (for beach pics I will be taking), window treatment for back door (the U.G.L.Y. wood blinds had to go!) Play dates, sleepovers, temper tantrums, burned brownies, clean cabinets, cleaned playroom, new tires, car wash and oil change.  Wow, it was more tiring to type it all than to do the work! 

Keeping you posted.  Love, Domestic Diva (this week, at least)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Countdown Starts

School is out for summer, as of 1:51 p.m. yesterday, and these rug rats are already driving me up the wall. 

Why do Moms need earplugs?

-I am hungry...
-I am thirsty...
-I am bored...
-He/She hit me...
-My stomach hurts...
-The sound of the door closing, AGAIN!...
-The constant talking and bickering
-The thud on the floor as they jump around like gymnast wanna be's

Why do Moms need blinders:

- The mass of dishes (that pile up in 4 minutes time)
- Toys that get left on the floor
- 10 year old who is hovering and trying to read this post right now
- Laundry pile (that was not there 24 hours ago)
- Unmade beds
- Rolling of eyes
- Refrigerator door that is open (at this moment)
- Bikes left behind my car for me to run over later
- Mess that is happening now as they attempt to cook

The most important item Moms need:
- A bubble to stay in
Why?  to relay the need for personal space.  So, if you are trying to come up with a retail idea.  This is it.  And, please make it soundproof.

Yes, vacation is a must.  It is unfortunate that all of the above list of aggravations will surely follow me on the trip.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Show Them The Money!!

The cuties did great last week with the new allowance plan.  Ten year old ended up with $20 and 8 year old with $21.  They saved $10, gave $5 to charity/church and the rest is theirs to waste.  They have not spent yet - SHOCKER!!!!  Ten year old is saving for iTouch and 8 year old does not know what she is saving for.  Ten year old does not even have permission to buy an iTouch.  We'll see!

The week went very well.  The girls cleaned up behind themselves, made their beds, completed extra tasks (IE vacuumed car, took out trash), and finished homework without much argument.  Money does talk!!!!!  They lost some allowance during the week for things like: 'tude, leaving shoes/socks/toys behind, or not completing their morning and night routines.  And let me say - they were held to a high standard and earned every penny.  I cut them zero slack and took away $1 if a pair of socks were out of place.  It is soooooo worth it (so far).

Friday, May 6, 2011

Runner Girl? Not Really.

What have I gotten myself into?  Background:  I have always hated to run.  Last year I decided to like it and signed up for a half marathon.  Yes, I did it.  I completed said half and then had knee surgery.  This happened in November and I have done very little running since.  So, to get myself geared up to run again, I signed up for another half next October.  Here is where I went wrong:

A friend (crazy in shape overachiever friend) asked me to run with her this morning (in 28 minutes to be exact).  I agreed.  WTH?  What was I thinking?  She is going to completely kick my a$$!!!!!  Here is ,my plea:  please pray for me over the next couple hours and if you are in Marietta and see a lady passed out on the side of the road, go ahead and call the bus.  I am sure it will be me.

Thanks for reading.  I just had to write to calm my nerves, and muscles.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

So Far, So Good...

My hubby called a 'family meeting' tonight while we were eating dinner.  Pen was in hand and numbers were on paper.  He was ready to discuss our girls earning an allowance.  He asked "what do you think is a reasonable amount of money that you should get each week for doing extra chores?"  Eight year olds response:  "two dollars" and the ten year olds response "twenty five dollars".  I shouted "Twenty five dollars?  Daddy said a reasonable amount."  My husband chimed in and said that he and ten year old had already been talking and they came up with that amount.  I was more on board with eight year old than the other two.  Ten year old did not surprise me with this, but where did my frugal husband go?  I mean, this man is so tight that he squeaks when he walks.  Do aliens really take over humans?  I had never believed it, until now.

We started talking about what would be expected of the girls in order to earn a weekly allowance: 
If they do not pick up behind themselves, monies will be deducted.
If they misbehave, monies will be deducted.
Once monies are deducted, they cannot be 're-earned'.
Extra chores will be given to each girl in addition to regular clean up (ie, vacuum out car).
They will not be expected to 'clean', but they are expected to pick up their mess.
50% of allowance will go to savings,
10% to church,
10% to charity,
30% for them to use as they please.

Okay,so once the breakdown was introduced, I was feeling much better about this idea.  The kids should learn a great deal about how to save and plan with the money they are given.  Now for implementation.

I will run out tomorrow and get a jar (or something cute) to put marbles in.  Each girl will start the week with 25 marbles, one for every dollar.  For any violation of the allowance rules, a marble (or more) will be taken away from the jar.  At the end of the week, we will pay them as we agreed and start again the following week with 25 marbles.

Hopefully, this will help with tornado cleanup.  We are in the South but did not have an actual twister come through here.  Our children are our natural disaster when it comes to cleanliness.  It usually looks as if we have had tornadic action in our den/kitchen/baesment (on and on and on......) on a daily basis.

Our family meeting was held 6 hours ago and we have zero violations thus far.  To be fair, the children have been sleeping for 3 of the 6 hours.  My fingers are crossed that this will work.  So far, so good.    

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Scream!

Thinking back to the days of my childhood, I remember the thrill that came when I heard the ice cream truck's music.  It seemed like a dream.  How could life be any better than riding my bike with friends?  Ice cream is how. The truck wheeled right up to us and delivered the best treat in the world.  It quenched every thirst and hunger I had on hot summer days.  It was surreal.  The van was pristine and clean, the music was soft and sweet, the ice cream was the best I had ever had.  Really, this was the stuff dreams were made of.  In my mind, it was beautiful.  So yesterday when I heard the ice cream truck making its way to our cul-de-sac, I got a little tingly inside and nostalgia hugged me like a waffle cone.

My youngins were outside playing and I excitedly screamed "Hurry, get some money.  The ice cream truck is coming!"  They scurried like little mice to their piggy banks.  The truck started to circle around to our house; I waved my arms as if I had called 911 and an ambulance was nearing an accident.  The truck came to a stop and then it hit me.  I was the worst mom ever.  I did not have my camera in hand to capture this memory for my children - the first time they got to see, hear and get close to - THE ICE CREAM TRUCK.  Well apparently, my childhood memory did not serve correctly, or this was the same truck that came to my hood in 1979. 

My rug rats and I inched our way to the door to experience this magical moment.  They were placing their orders when I realized that this was the most dilapidated, beat up, horrendous looking vehicle I had seen in the burbs.  Did it time travel all the way from my childhood (losing all of it's charm on the way) to sell us some ice cream?  Where had they been hiding this dinosaur of a van?  My senses then peaked.  The music, while appropriate, sounded as if it was from vinyl and skipping.  Again, maybe from 1979?  How could this awful sight of an ice cream truck hold great future memories for my little angels?  Then it occurred to me!  What children see and what adults see are COMPLETELY different pictures.  What I saw as a P.O.S. van with low quality ice cream and crappy music, my children may have seen as a dreamy carriage with great acoustics and the best ice cream they could imagine.

After all was said and eaten, I smiled just knowing that my children had gained another magical memory.  The best part? - the picture of their first ice cream truck visit was in their own mind.  My camera could have never taken a photo as memorable as that.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Midlife? Poor Wife

Why do some men go through metamorphosis after their 40th birthday?  Why do some lose their mind and/or moral compass?  Why do so many get a girlfriend when they already have a wife?  Why can't they just go buy an expensive car?  These are questions that all wives want to know the answers to.  Given the option, I would definitely opt for the new Porsche.

It bewilders me every time I hear a friend tell me about another infedelity in a marriage.  More and more often it is happening with couples that seem to have had a solid foundation.  Why do so many choose to cheat?  Is it the attention?  Is it the sex?  Is it male instinct?  Inquiring wives want to know.  More importantly, how can these men live with the guilt of what they are doing?  The lies, the lies, the lies.  It takes a lot of planning and preparation to have a girlfriend on the side - getting stories straighty, alibis, planning, receiving/deleting texts, avoiding getting caught, calling out the correct name, etc......  The planning seems horendous.  Let's face it ladies.  How many of our husbands can manage planning a dinner party?  So, how do they manage planning a secret life?  Hmmm...

Is it worth it?  I think not.  My hubby is 41 and I hope that he drives home in a new Porsche some day.  That is a thrill I can deal with even if our bank account cannot.  Why would any man choose a girlfriend instead of a car?  We all know that cars are much easier to deal with!  Cars are not moody or crazy, and in the end - they will cost a lot less than a girlfriend will.  You get to keep your self respect and your family.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Check Under the Hood!

It is officially spring at my house and the clean out has begun!  It is so liberating to get a closet cleaned out.  Don't you agree? 

Spring break is not a break at all around here, for me anyway.  Yesterday I followed the Fly Lady's instructions, , and cleaned the venthood in the kitchen.  I NEVER thought to do that before.  Let me just tell you that it was disgusting.  I removed the vent cover and sprayed it and the surrounding area with Oven Off.  The grease and grime I collected could have kept the Friday fish fry going all through Lent!  What a great feeling to get it all spiffy for spring.

What to do today?  Hmmm.... the options are endless!  Maybe I need to buy a new pair of shoes to celebrate spring first =)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring 'Break'

"A break for who?", I ask myself as I sit here typing and trying to get away from the noise and mess for a few seconds.  A break for the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, vacuum, minivan or Mommy?  Um, no.  For you sappy types, I love my children more than life itself, yadda yadda yadda.  What I do not love is the way they can make me work in circles and repeat the same old crap, ad nauseum.

Okay, I am back now. I had to take a brief break to ask my son not to slam my bedroom door (over and over again).  What happened to the days when kids woke up, got dressed, ate and headed outside to play?  Kids were quite happy being outside until Mom drug them in for dinner.  I remember Mom bringing lunch outside because I had no intention of going in until dark.  What I do not remember is how I went to the restroom, hmmmm....

It is more fun for kids (and Mom) when kids act like kids and play outside!  How can you build a proper fort in the woods if you are inside?  How can you get road rash from a bike crash if you are inside?  And, what about mud pies!!!?  Let's start a revolution - Moms, kick the kids out and make them have fun!  They are all becoming co-dependent on 'stuff'.  If you see any dirty, barefoot and smiling kids outside - please buy some lemonade from them. All that kids really need is fresh air, dirt, sticks, friends and an imagination.  Get rid of the acronyms (DS, TV, MP3, etc....)  Have a great 'Break'!!!!    

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Are you in need of any gift ideas?  How about a 12" wine cork wreath or a one of a kind coffee sack pillow?  If these things interest you, I am your girl!  Let me know if you have a particular idea of what you want and I will get busy making it for you.  Give a happy to someone or get one for yourself!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Well, I Never!

As I sit hear eating a pack of Girl Scout cookies with fat milk (that's right, not skim), I would like to justify my behavior.  Taking care of kids is the most thankless job on the planet!

My dear, sweet children were playing all afternoon on the most lovely of days.  They had their extra curricular activities in the morning (track and horseback riding).  They jumped on the trampoline with a cool breeze brushing through their hair.  They had a few neighborhood kids visit, washed the cars, played in the sprinkler, played house, were catered to, and not a care in the world!  Did they get all they wanted today? I should think so.  They even asked if a neighbor could sleepover.  "Of course", I said, "that would be great".  At 9:00 p.m., after they had been playing ALL DAY, it was time, bed time!  My precious and appreciative 10 year old got her tude on.  "Mom, I am a little mad at you".  To Hell you say!  Are you freaking kidding me?  You are one bold chick to think that I give a rat's patootie that you are mad at me.  I mean - really!

So, if I want to sit and consume loads of calories from this freaking box of cookies that we got stuck with from the Girl Scout cookie sale, then I will!  Dad-gum-it.  My ass will just have to get on the treadmill.  Tomorrow, I will do that tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Have Your Cake and Eat It!

Can you believe how freaking adorable this cake is?  Even more amazing is how much it cost.  I found a wonderful cake lady about 5 years ago who enjoys making these beauties and charges mere pennies for her art work.  I just had to share! 

BTW - my oldest 'baby' is officially in double digits.  How is this possible?  I am still in my twenties (at heart).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


In an effort to share the coffee bag/burlap goodness that I have stumbled upon, I am starting to sew lots of pillows and such. They are made from raw burlap coffee sacks, with the original printing on them. They are truly all one of a kind!

A friend of mine, Stacy, and I will be selling these beauties in craft shows and on Please take a look and let us know what you think. Also, we do not have a name yet. If you suggest a name and we like it enough to use - you will get a complimentary pillow!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ah, Coffee.....

If you want to have a constant reminder of how wonderful coffee is AND you would like a really cool topper for your window, here it is! Contact a nearby coffee roastery and see if they will give you any burlap bags. They have these awesome and unique bags from the coffee farmers. I got mine from Batdorf and Bronson roastery in Atlanta and all they asked of me was to make a donation to Coffee Kids.

Okay, so now you have the bags. The rest is a breeze. I had to turn the bags sideways for most of the windows in my kitchen and lengthwise on the French doors. No sewing was involved. I cut a hole in bottom corner of the bag so that I could place a rod through it to be hung. Next, I used ribbon to tie up the swag and make more of a finished look.

I just love coffee!

Drop What You Are Doing!

Do you want a new look on your windows but don't want to spend a hand and a foot? Do you like the pictured window panel? It was around $20 and sew freaking easy!

Run up to the nearest Lowe's and get a painter's drop cloth (less than $10). I used a 6 x 9, but they have different sizes to fit your needs. If you want to add fringe, run to the fabric store and get that too. Look for a sale and coupons! Run home to your sewing machine (or stitch witchery). Sew the fringe onto the backside of the panel, on the edge. Lastly, IRON the Hades out of the panel. It was very helpful to use REAL starch during this process. To hang the panel, fold the top over so that the fringe hangs down and appears to be a valance over the panel. Making sense?? Hang the panel with clips and voila.... you have a gorgeous window treatment!!!

Be crafty with this. There are so many things you can do with a drop cloth and some trim. The options are endless!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Aside from shoes and coffee, family is my - absolute, definite, ultimate, favorite, bom diggity and most important aspect of my life! If you do not have family get-togethers to celebrate every thing you can celebrate, you are missing out! From the tiny babies to the old ladies - my family rocks!

A few family members visited today, including my sweet grandmother (AKA - Nana). She is approaching her 81st birthday this month! She is the same as she always has been. Well, almost. My childhood is filled with memories of family get-togethers and Nana. It is difficult to think of her as 'old'. She is the same in my mind as she always has been. Before I ramble on and on nostalgically (word?), I will stop myself.

The point is - enjoy your family! Spend time with them, love all their crazy and soak up every minute. Can family drive you over the edge? Yes, rhetorical question. It is okay! Go crazy and love your family. They are the only one you have!

BTW - the Marshmallow Puff recipe is a must. You gotta try it!!

Magic Marshmallow Crescent Puffs

This recipe was given to me by Stacy Fuson. It is great for brunch or dessert! The puffs are like little donuts.

1/4 cup sugar
2 T flour1
t. cinnamon
2 (8 oz) cans crescent rolls
16 large marshmallows
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted

Glaze:1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 t. vanilla
2 to 3 t. milk

1. Heat oven to 375. Spray 16 muffin cups with spray. In small bowl, combine sugar, flour, and cinnamon; mix well.2. Separate dough into 16 triangles. For each roll, dip 1 marshmallow in melted butter; roll in sugar mixture. Place marshmallow on shortest side of triangle. Roll up, starting at shortest side and rolling to opposite point. Completely cover marshmallow with dough; firmly pinch edges to seal. Dip 1 end in remaining butter; place butter side down in sprayed muffin cup.3. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown (may need to place foil or cookie sheet on rack below to guard against spills). Cool in pan 1 minute. Remove rolls from muffin cups; place on wire racks over waxed paper (I don't do this, I just take them out and put them on a plate!). 4. In small bowl, blend powdered sugar, vanilla and enough milk for desired drizzling consistency. Drizzle glaze over warm rolls.

Note: I half this recipe for our family...

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Monkey Could Do It!

All I have to say is WOW! For almost 40 years now, the sewing machine has been an intimidating monster that scared the beJesus out of me. Why the fear? It is just a little machine afterall! I did what had to be done. I conquered my fear of the dreaded sewing machine, dun dun dun.....

Sew freaking easy! Last Friday, a friend dropped her daughter off for a sleepover and we started talking (surprise). Anyway, I mentioned that I got a sewing machine for Christmas and had been teaching myself how to work the dumb little thing. She showed me her daughter's adorable little dress that she had made, herself, with a dumb little machine like mine! Sew, the challenge was on. I went to the fabric store immediately and got some fabric, ribbon, thread and bias tape. In an hour, it was complete. The first dress that my dumb little machine made. It is sad and exciting that my Friday night was made whole by sewing a dress. Oh yes, I already mentioned that I am in my thirties and obviously have kids. So no, Friday nights are not what they used to be.

Disclaimer: when I blog, I like to write like I am writing in a journal. No editing or any of that nonsense. So, if you see typoes or grammer errors, get over it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can't. Hold. On. Much. Longer.........

The first month of 2011 is complete and the year of being organized-ish is well underway. Every day for the last month, this house has been undergoing a major overhaul. Cleaning out closets (monsters included), completing projects, and getting everyone on track. It is being done. One project at a time. One day at a time. One mental breakdown at a time. It will get done.

This week's task is to teach the children to take care of their shit. Yes, that's right - shit. That's what it is. Papers, crafts, stuffies, toys.... all over the flipping place! The end has come. It is over. Mommy is hanging off the cliff and about to let go.

The gauntlet came down last night, hard (at least to 'Sassy' and 'Big Sis' the punishment was severe). Instructions were given for bedtime and 20 minutes later..... nothing had been done. The worst punishment ever - Pink Baby and Lambie were taken away for the night. The girls were distraught, especially Sassy. Why she wants to sleep with that smellie baby is beyond me, but she does. The day came to a tearful close.

This morning was a breeze! Backpacks were ready. Outfits were ready. Coffee was ready (key to survival among these youngins). All went well until...... bedtime. Now the lying has begun. When Sassy (7 year old) was asked: "Did you brush your teeth", her answer did not match reality. She had learned last night's lesson regarding consequences and not completing tasks. So, she lied. She really underestimated our intelligence. Honestly, it is not difficult to know if someone has brushed their teeth. Halitosis much? So, Pink Baby is once again, sleeping alone. And so is her owner. Very sad indeed. Tomorrow night WILL be better.

I am not too sure about anyone else but I HATE repeating the same instructions over and over and over and over and over, ad nauseam? So, I made a sign for the girls' bathroom. Will it help? Surely not. But, it is pretty cute.

Back From the Grave

So, where have I been for a year? Well, probably stuck in a closet of mass destruction or with a mop and broom in hand or driving the mini-taxi around Marietta. Whatever the case, I have not been here and I am deeply sorry for that.

For a couple of weeks now, I have been on a very strict eating plan (I like to call it Hell, for short) and for some unknown reason, have had the strongest of urges to cook. Here are a couple of recipes out of this month's Southern Living that were divine (according to mi familia). Enjoy! And don't forget the sweet tea, ya'll!

Cheesy Chili Hash Brown Bake

Hands-on: 12 minutes Yield: Makes 8 servings
1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef or turkey
1 (15.5-oz.) can original sloppy joe sauce
1 (15-oz.) can chili with beans
1/2 (30-oz.) package frozen country-style shredded hash browns (about 4 cups)
2 cups (8 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese

1. Preheat oven to 425°. Brown ground beef in a large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring often, 7 to 10 minutes or until meat crumbles and is no longer pink. Stir in sloppy joe sauce and chili.
2. Spoon chili mixture into 8 lightly greased 10-oz. ramekins. Top with frozen hash browns.
3. Bake, covered, at 425° for 30 minutes; uncover and bake 10 more minutes or until browned and crisp. Sprinkle with cheese, and bake 5 more minutes or until cheese is melted.
Note: We tested with Manwich Original Sloppy Joe Sauce and Hormel Chili with Beans. Chili mixture can be baked in a lightly greased 13- x 9-inch baking dish as directed.

Southern Living, FEBRUARY 2011

Praline-Pecan French Toast

The Twist: A short-order breakfast special gets an easy hands-off finish in the oven.
Hands-on: 20 minutes Yield: Makes 8 to 10 servings

1 (16-oz.) French bread loaf
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 tablespoons maple syrup
3/4 cup chopped pecans
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup 2% reduced-fat milk
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Cut 10 (1-inch-thick) slices of bread. Reserve remaining bread for another use.
2. Stir together brown sugar and next 2 ingredients; pour into a lightly greased 13- x 9-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with chopped pecans.
3. Whisk together eggs and next 4 ingredients. Arrange bread slices over pecans; pour egg mixture over bread. Cover and chill 8 hours.
4. Preheat oven to 350°. Bake bread 35 to 37 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately.
Southern Living, FEBRUARY 2011